Members of University Industry Advisory Panel
The appointment of the University Industry Advisory Panel is to provide guidance and input in developing the university comprehensive strategic direction plan. The setting up of this panel is in line with the recommendation from the Ministry of Higher Education which requires all public universities to engage directly with the industry in accordance with the Malaysian Education Plan 2013-2025.
In this regard, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Executive Committee through its meeting no. 1/2020 No. 57 (UNIMAS) has approved the setting up of a special panel at the university level comprising of top executives from major industry players. University Industry Advisory Panel consist of selected individuals with vast experiences of industries in the primary sectors including services and manufacturing, construction,modern agriculture and forestry,oil and gas as well as tourism. This appointment would be for a one-year term and all your travel expenses will be borne by UNIMAS.
All the members of University Industry Advisory Panel have the same duration which are from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2022.

Mr Ngieng Sii Jing (SJ)
CEO of LONGI (Kuching) Sdn Bhd & LONGI Technology (Kuching) Sdn Bhd

Mr Mohamed Syazwan Bin Abdullah @ Laga Jenggi
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Malaysia LNG Group of Companies and Petronas LNG 9 Sdn Bhd

Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan
Managing Director, NAIM Holdings Berhad

Datuk Jason Tai Hee
Managing Director, Pansar Berhad

Dato' Sri Dr. Mohammed Azman Bin Dato' Aziz Mohammed
Chief Executive of Social Security Organization (SOCSO)

Datuk Abang Haji Abdul Karim Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg
President, Sarawak Business Federation

Miss Sharzede Bin Datu Haji Salleh Askor
Chief Executive Officer, Sarawak Tourism Board