Town Hall
The Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) has highlighted the need to take collaboration between universities and the industry to the next level by participating in the curriculum design and delivery through partnership models such as apprenticeships, hands-on training, and specialised employer training programmes. Collaboration between universities and industries and alumni is critical to accelerate our students’ knowledge and skills development and enhance their industry exposure.
UNIMAS recognizes the importance of Industry-Academia collaboration as highlighted in The Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education). Industries should formalize their participation in the curriculum design and delivery through models such as internships, hands-on training, work-based learning and specialized employer training programmes to elevate the partnerships between the universities and industries to the next level.
In order to achieve the above UNIMAS continuously conduct Town Hall sessions which among others allow the University to share important information with the Industry and Public as well as to provide an avenue to gather feedback for the purpose of formulating recommendation and plan of actions
If you would like to get further information about this, please contact Mr Nasrol bin Ini (082-581812 / or Madam Ivyana Paijan (082-581814 /